Midwest Air Wing Home

Location:  285 Bruns Road, Pontoon Beach, IL 62040
AMA Chapter 3789 Midwest Air Wing R/C Club | Academy of Model Aeronautics

We look forward to seeing you in 2025.  Here is our next event!

Please Help Support Our Local R/C Airplane Clubs.

Club members and those wanting to become a Midwest Air Wing club member are encouraged to join us at our monthly club meeting. Club members, please be sure to monitor your email for the club agenda and any subsequent changes to the agenda prior to the meeting.

Please take time to note the change in the meeting agenda format/timeline. Facebook live stream meeting broadcast will begin at approximately 7:10 PM.

There is seating for approximately 100 club members, so please arrive early if you want a seat. Look forward to seeing all our club members at the meeting.

Click here to see the full 2025 Event Schedule or Check our Facebook page for our most recent activities MidWest AirWing R/C Club Videos and Photos | Facebook

– No alcohol allowed or to be consumed on the property –


Interested in learning to fly Radio Controlled aircraft?  Not sure if it’s for you?  Not sure how to get started?  Want to try it without making a commitment? No problem…  All you have to do is visit our Learn-To-Fly web page and contact one of our flight instructors.  They will be happy to answer your questions and help with getting started flying RC airplanes.

Interested in competing with your new or old flying skills?  The Midwest Air Wing is looking is always interested in adding members to our group of pilots that fly and compete in Radio Control Aerobatics.  Additional information is available at RC Aerobatics 2020-2021.pdf (modelaircraft.org) or by contacting midwestairwingevent@gmail.com indicating your interest.

Location:  285 Bruns Road, Pontoon Beach, IL 62040
AMA Chapter 3789

Midwest Air Wing is an RC model aircraft club with a premier flying site in the St. Louis metro east area. Our site is suitable for flying R/C airplanes of any category or class. The flying field is maintained by the club and contains two (2) well-manicured grass runways, unobstructed flying area, protected pilots’ area, large pit area, large spectator pavilion and protected parking.

GEOTEX Runway dimensions: East-West – 345 x 45 feet and North-South – 450 x 45 feet.

The flying field is located approximately 10 miles northeast of downtown St. Louis in the Collinsville / Horseshoe Lake area.

We welcome new members and will help anyone get started in R/C flying. If you want to learn more about our club, click on the various links here on our website.  If you are interested in becoming a member or have questions, please click the “Membership” tab.

Please click the “Airfield Location” tab for map and directions to our field.

Club Meetings
When: First Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Where: Pontoon Beach Village Hall, #3 Regency Pkwy off Rt 111 in Pontoon Beach.